¡Un perro con mucha onda!

Tiene más de 90 mil seguidores, posa para TODAS las fotos y le vas a querer dar un gran abrazo.

Si no te enternecés con este perro sos el Capitán Frío. Como en TN Tecno tenemos mucha sensibilidad, descubrimos a esta mascota que es un verdadero campeón de Instagram: su dueño sube todo el tiempo fotos de él relamiéndose y disfrutando con todo lo que come.

Sid es un beagle color beige que se convirtió en estrella con su cuenta en esa red social. Todos los días los casi 100 mil seguidores que tiene le dan like a las fotos, las comparten, o le dejan cientos de comentario. Como es muy carismático, siempre posa: muchas veces aparece comiendo pizzas, pastas, frutas y otras cosas más.

Food, is my religion.

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Watermelon & Texas = ??

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Happy National Donut Day frandzz

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Am I doing this right?

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Elated. Wonderful. Relieved. Perfect. Those are just a few of the words I used to describe the way I felt when I left the vet today! Just as Doc B Money (that’s what Sid calls him) had assumed, and as the x rays confirmed, Sid’s lungs were looking mighty good, and strong! Dr. Bevan believes that Sid is coughing because of irritation from the tube Sid had down his throat during and after the surgery. He predicted that it should clear up in about a week. Woot! This was pretty much exactly what I wanted to hear! Immediately after we left the vet, I took Sid to Central Market and treated him to breakfast. Bacon & Eggs!! The way I see it, Sid’s earned himself a hearty meal after everything he’s been through. I just made sure not to give him any spinach. I don’t need him getting TOO tough. ☺ I was on cloud nine the whole way home. When we got back, Sid appeared to be chewing on something, but there was no food around. I opened his mouth and much to my surprise, I noticed Sid’s back left tooth was almost 90% missing. I started to pull on what’s left, which didn’t bother Sid in the slightest, but decided to stop and consult the vet before proceeding. I was suddenly feeling less content with how the day had gone. “Another ordeal?” I thought. It felt so good to be done with all the stress, and now another issue has come to light. Fortunately, after talking with the vet, I found out that the loss of this tooth likely wouldn’t affect Sid at all. They don’t have the same sensitivity as humans do. They also told me to go ahead and pull out what’s left…. Yikes! Haha I’m hoping to get the courage to do that later tonight. Though, this tooth issues explains why Sid hasn’t wanted to eat his kibble lately! They also gave me Sid’s x-rays on a DVD. I’m looking forward to checking those out, and sharing them with all of you.

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Dual purpose weave #sidvid

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Banana teeth is the new black.

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