Los veterinarios que se transformaron en héroes

Indignación, dolor, llanto. Todo eso provoca ver este video de Pascal, el perrito que fue embadurnado con pegamento y a quien tuvieron que tratar con total maestría un grupo de veterinarios para poder salvarlo. Una vez más podemos afirmar que la maldad del hombre no tiene límites.

Pascal es un cachorrito que lo pasó muy mal. Unos chicos en Turquía lo embadurnaron de pegamento por diversión y la sustancia se volvió dura como el cemento.

Pascal tuvo suerte y cayó en las manos de unos veterinarios que lo rescataron. Estuvo a punto de perder una oreja y su piel sufrió importantes heridas, pero afortunadamente la historia tuvo un final feliz.

Habrá que seguir haciendo viral este video para despertar conciencia entre aquellos que creen que es divertido herir a los animales.


PASCAL IS HERE !!! UPDATE ON PASCAL !! KIDS DROWNED HIM IN GLUE JUST FOR FUN !! READ HIS STORY HERE – http://wp.me/p3Qqps-3yFPascal's condition turned out to be way worse than we thought it was. As our doctors peeled the layer of glue that became as thick as cement , they discovered that one of his ears went necrotic because the blood flow was being prevented by the layer. Pascal is conscious , though in a lot of pain but his general state has not worsened.We stood in shock of the extent of the cruelty done to him as we watched our doctors peel away the layers. Pascal is a brave boy but his spirit is broken. His blood tests will come next , and after the tests for any transmissible condition that he may have attained in the street. His skin is being attended by homeopathic medicines….Our heart is broken but we will not let Pascal go through this alone… We will do everything until he is completely recovered.HELP US SAVE PASCAL by contributing to his medical costs through the secure donation link HERE ->https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=43FTY2H3JDTEADONATE IN EUROS – https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=7TKZFRRY2NZYL

Posted by Stichting He'Art of Rescue International on Tuesday, November 1, 2016